Titan Mining Empire State Mine #4, Newfold Ore Body, 3,981 level,
Balmat, St Lawrence County, New York, USA
14cm tall x 11.4cm wide
The one, and only, previously significant discovery of this species was around 1900. A few thin purple crystals were discovered during the construction of the Simplon Tunnel which runs from Switzerland to Italy through the Alps. These small crystals are coveted by collectors.
Aside from “Herkimer Diamonds”, New York State is not commonly thought of when discussing exceptional mineral specimens. This recent discovery of Anhyydrite crystals from upstate New York redefines the world's finest for the species and will rank among the greatest of all mining stories. This mine has been in operation since 1838. Over the past 185 years it produced very few collector minerals.
In early 2022 a pocket of Anhydrite crystals of the likes the world has never seen was broken into. In mineral collecting history no one has ever seen anything like these large gem quality thick blade-like crystals of vibrant purple Anhydrite. Nearby, at the same time, a pocket was found containing some of finest known lavender colored Manganoan Calcites. A third earlier discovery of fabulous Sphalerites on Calcite was also found. Gem quality greenish/amber Sphalerites on Calcite crystals.
This crystal is a captivating blend of pink and purple hues, each color subtly transitioning into the next, creating a sense of depth and movement. The surface has a textured quality with a tactile appeal. The angular lines suggest a sense of precision, yet the gentle shifts in color introduce an organic softness to the piece. This twinned Anhydrite crystal is a transparent to translucent floater with no point of attachment. It is among the finest crystals from the pocket.